Gasboy Fuel Point PLUS Vehicle User Manual

Page 26

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Fuel Point PLUS Vehicle Installation and Configuration Manual


Figure 2-9. Inserting One-Way Screw

c. Apply instant glue to the back part of the ID chip (see Figure 2-10)

Figure 2-10. Applying Adhesive

d. Secure the screw into position in the space prepared, without applying too much

pressure on the screw. Make sure to go through all the instructions in order to

prevent malfunction

e. Spray instant glue accelerator - Activator, pronto, 60ml (3M) around the glued



When installing the Shaped coil, first connect the ID

chip to the coil.

7. After connecting the coil to the ID chip, to avoid corrosion caused by humidity and

accumulation of fluid at the connection area (shaped coil only), it is recommended to:

seal the connector's area by applying dual component glue DP-805NS (3M), or neutral

silicon on top of the connectors such as Terostat939, or Holdtite HNCS