101 - virtual breaker control switch, 101 - virtual breaker control switch -38, Figure 4-41. 101 function block -38 – Basler Electric BE1-851 User Manual
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CS/CO-x43 Command Examples:
Example 1. Read the current status of virtual switch 43.
Example 2. Momentarily toggle the state of switch 43 to closed.
Example 3. An example of an operate command not matching the select command.
Retrieving Virtual Selector Switches Status from the Relay
The state of each virtual selector switch can be determined from HMI Screen 1.5.4. This information is
also available through the ASCII command interface by using the RG-STAT or RG-x43STAT commands.
This is not available through BESTCOMS. See Section 6, Reporting and Alarms, General Status
Reporting, for more information.
HMI Screens 2.1.1 through 2.1.4 provide switch control and can also display the current status of their
respective switches. ASCII command CO-x43 returns the state of each virtual selector switch in a read-
only mode. See the previous example 1.
101 - Virtual Breaker Control Switch
The virtual breaker control switch (see Figure 4-41) provides manual control of a circuit breaker or switch
without using physical switches and/or interposing relays. Both local and remote control is possible. A
virtual switch can be used instead of a physical switch to reduce costs with the added benefit that the
virtual switch can be operated both locally from the HMI and remotely from a substation computer or
modem connection to an operator’s console.
Figure 4-41. 101 Function Block
The breaker control switch emulates a typical breaker control switch with a momentary close, spring
return, trip contact (Output 101T), a momentary close, spring return, close contact (Output 101C), and a
slip contact (Output 101SC). The slip contact output retains the status of the last control action. That is, it
is FALSE (open) in the after-trip state and TRUE (closed) in the after-close state. Figure 4-42 shows the
state of the 101SC logic output with respect to the state of the 101T and 101C Outputs.
BE1-851 Protection and Control
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