Faq/troubleshooting, Frequently asked questions (faqs), Faq/troubleshooting -9 – Basler Electric BE1-851 User Manual

Page 39: Frequently asked questions (faqs) -9

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Use the remaining screens and associated tabs to make additional settings required for evaluation of the

relay. Save the file. From the Communication pull-down menu, select Upload Settings to Device to send

the settings to the relay. The relay's inputs and outputs as well as targets, alarms and current metering

can be monitored from the Metering Screen. To open the Metering Screen, select Metering from the

Reports pull-down menu. To begin viewing the relays metered values, select the Start Polling button in

the bottom right hand corner of the screen.


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1.) Why won't the Trip LED reset when I press the Reset key on the front panel?

The Reset key is context sensitive. To reset the Trip LED or the targets, the Target Screen must

be displayed. To reset the alarms, the Alarm Screen must be displayed.

2.) Is the power supply polarity sensitive?

No, the power supply will accept either an ac or dc voltage input. However, the contact sensing

for the programmable inputs is polarity sensitive. See Section 12, Installation, for a typical

interconnection diagram.

3.) What voltage level is used to develop current flow through the contact sensing inputs?

Voltage level is dependent on the power supply option (BE1-851 style) and the position of the

contact sensing jumper. See Section 12, Installation, for additional information.

4.) Does the BE1-851 trip output contact latch after a fault?

The answer to the question is Yes and No. In general, once the fault goes away the output

contacts open. The BE1-851 does offer an option to ensure that the contact will stay closed for

at least 200 milliseconds. See Section 3, Input and Output Functions, and Section 8,

Application, for additional information on that function. But, BESTlogic can latch the relay

outputs. Refer to Section 8, Application, Application Tips, for additional information.

5.) Why won't a function work when I put in settings such as the pickup and time delays?

Make sure that the protective element is enabled in BESTlogic.

6.) Can I make logic settings at the front panel?

No, the front panel cannot program logic settings. Logic settings must be programmed using the

ASCII command interface or BESTCOMS communication software.

7.) Does the BE1-851 have a battery installed as the back-up power source for the internal

clock on loss of power?

No, the BE1-851 does not have a battery unless the option is specified. Without the battery

option, you have to reset the time and date every time you lose power. You can use the IRIG to

automatically reset the time and date.

8.) Why do I keep getting access conflict errors when I am communicating with the relay?

Access can be granted to only one communication port at a time. The HMI is considered to be

the same port as the front RS-232 communication port. The unit has three different

communication ports. The front HMI and front RS-232 (COM 0) is the first port. The rear RS-232

(COM 1) is the second and the rear RS-485 (COM 3) is the third port. If you have gained access

at the front panel HMI and the 5-minute time out has not ended, you cannot gain access at

another port. The front RS-232 can still be accessed because HMI and the front RS-232 are

considered to be the same port. If you have tried to gain access to more than one port at a time,

an access conflict results. Access only needs to be gained when a change of a setting is

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BE1-851 Quick Start
