Reading and setting the clock, Alternate dst (daylight saving time) settings, Select floating date or fixed date configuration – Basler Electric BE1-851 User Manual

Page 105: If using floating date configuration, If using fixed date configuration, Reading and setting the clock -3, Alternate dst (daylight saving time) settings -3, Table 6-2. time and date format settings -3

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mm/dd/yy or dd/mm/yy format. The default date format is mm/dd/yy. The relay clock can also

accommodate daylight saving time changes. Automatic daylight saving time adjustments are optional and

they are disabled by default.

Table 6-2. Time and Date Format Settings




Time Format

12 (12 hour format)
24 (24 hour format)


Date Format

m (mm-dd-yy)
d (dd-mm-yy)


Automatic Daylight Savings

0 (daylight saving time disabled)
1 (daylight saving time enabled)


Reading and Setting the Clock

Clock information can be viewed and set at the front panel human-machine interface (HMI) and through

the communication ports using ASCII commands or BESTCOMS. Write access to reports is required to

set the clock at the HMI and communication ports. An alarm point is provided in the programmable alarms

to detect when the relay has powered up and the clock has not been set. Time and date information is

read and set at HMI Screen 4.5, through the communication ports using the RG-DATE and RG-TIME

ASCII commands, and through BESTCOMS by selecting the Communication pull-down menu and then

selecting Set Date and Time.

Alternate DST (Daylight Saving Time) Settings

Alternate DST settings are necessary when not using a time zone in the United States. These settings

can be adjusted only by using ASCII commands. They cannot be set with BESTCOMS or through the

The following serial commands must be entered in the order shown and all parameters must be entered

in order for the alternate DST settings to function properly.

Select Floating Date or Fixed Date Configuration

SG-DST=1 (Floating Date) or 2 (Fixed Date)

Example: SG-DST=2 selects Fixed Date configuration

If using Floating Date Configuration


Mo (Month) = 1 (January) to 12 (December)

D (Day of Week) = 0 (Sunday) to 6 (Saturday)

H (Hour) = 0 (12:00am) to 23 (11:00pm)

M (Minutes) = 0 to 59

O (Occurrence) = 1 (First D (Day) of the month) to 5 (Fifth D (Day) of the month)

Examples: SG-DSTSTART=5,3,2,15,3 is the 3


Wednesday in May at 2:15am

SG-DSTSTOP=7,6,5,45,2 is the 2


Saturday in July at 5:45am

If using Fixed Date Configuration


Mo (Month) = 1 (January) to 12 (December)

D (Day of Month) = 1 to 31

H (Hour) = 0 (12:00am) to 23 (11:00pm)

M (Minutes) = 0 to 59

O (Occurrence) = 0 (Not used for Fixed Date configuration)

Examples: SG-DSTSTART=5,20,2,15,0 is May 20th at 2:15am

SG-DSTSTOP=7,10,15,30,0 is July 10th at 3:30pm

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BE1-851 Reporting and Alarms
