Basler Electric BE1-851 User Manual
Page 9

Application Firmware
Version and Date
interface using the RG-TARG=0 command. This allows targets to be
reset by pulsing a contact sensing input.
Improved COMTRADE oscillography recording function by adding *.hdr
(header) file to the COMTRADE mandatory files *.cfg and *.dat. The
new *.hdr file is a text file that contains the Fault Summary Report and
the appropriate settings that were active at the time of the event.
Added all BESTlogic programmable logic bit status to oscillography files
as digital channels. Logic variables with user programmable names are
reported using the programmable name instead of the generic name.
Improved Sequence of Events Recording function by increasing the
number of events recorded from 127 to 255.
Added additional reporting options. It is now possible to retrieve SER
data for Alarm Events only, RS-ALM; Input/Output Events only, RS-IO;
and Logic Variable Events only, RS-LGC.
Improved BESTlogic functionality.
Eliminated the setting required to specify which logic scheme is active.
Now the user’s logic settings are always active. This setting used to be
made from the ASCII command interface using the SP-LOGIC
Changed default logic settings from
everything disabled to a simple
logic scheme with
50 and 51 protection enabled.
Added Logic = None Alarm to alert the user if the relay has no
programmable logic settings.
Added Changes Lost Alarm to alert the user if the user has been editing
settings and the access timer times out without an
Exit; Save Setting?
Yes command being entered.
Added functionality to reset alarms using a programmable logic
expression in addition to the HMI Reset key and the ASCII command
interface using the RA=0 command. Allows alarms to be reset by
pulsing a contact sensing input.
Added new alarm logic variable to BESTlogic. ALMLGC can be used to
link programmable alarm functions to your logic scheme without
activating an Alarm LED on the HMI.
Removed the relay trouble alarm logic variable, ALMREL, from
programmable logic. Since programmable logic is disabled when this
condition is TRUE, it was a superfluous variable. For rearward
compatibility, the relay will not give an alarm if this logic variable is used
in a logic expression.
Improved the virtual switches 43 and 101 functions by adding
functionality to set four modes of operation for the 43 Virtual Selector
Switch and adding functionality to set two modes of operation for the
101 Virtual Breaker Control Switch.
Change the preprogrammed logic schemes to include the new virtual
switch functionality.
Improved the 62 timer functions by adding Mode 5, Integrating Timer
and Mode 6, Latch. Added targeting to 62 timer functions.
Added functionality to allow the breaker monitoring duty accumulation
to be blocked by a logic expression.
Added automatic daylight saving time adjustment to the real time clock.
Added functionality to the automatic setting group selection function to
allow it to monitor protective functions in addition to the 51P function.
Setting groups can be changed based on unbalanced currents by
monitoring the 51N and 51Q functions.
9289900990 Rev R
BE1-851 Introduction