AMT Datasouth Journey II User Manual
Page 4

When connecting the printer to a host computer system,
always use shielded interface cables. The use of non-shielded
interface cables can violate the FCC emissions limits for a Class A
computing device. Do not leave unterminated interface cables connected to
the printer.
Contains UFST and Micro Type from Agfa Division, Bayer Corporation
Use, duplication or disclosure by the Government is subject to restrictions as set forth in the Rights in
Technical Data and Computer Software clause at FAR 252-227-7013, subdivision (b)(3)(ii) or
subparagraph (c)(1)(ii), as appropriate. Further sue, duplication or disclosure is subject to restrictions
applicable to restricted rights software as set forth in FAR 52.227-19 (c)(2).
Any alteration or modification to this equipment may
cause non-compliance to:
UL safety standard 1950
CSA safety standard C22.2 No. 950
FCC regulations for Class A Computing Devices
Canadian ICES-003
EN55022-1 Class A Limits
EN 61000-3-2
EN 61000-3-3