Mls qos queue-set output threshold – Dell POWEREDGE M1000E User Manual
Page 370
Cisco Catalyst Blade Switch 3130 and 3032 for Dell Command Reference
Chapter 2 Cisco Catalyst Blade Switch 3130 and 3032 for Dell Cisco IOS Commands
mls qos queue-set output threshold
mls qos queue-set output threshold
Use the mls qos queue-set output threshold global configuration command on the switch stack or on
a standalone switch to configure the weighted tail-drop (WTD) thresholds, to guarantee the availability
of buffers, and to configure the maximum memory allocation to a queue-set (four egress queues per
port). Use the no form of this command to return to the default setting.
mls qos queue-set output qset-id threshold queue-id drop-threshold1 drop-threshold2
reserved-threshold maximum-threshold
no mls qos queue-set output qset-id threshold [queue-id]
Syntax Description
When quality of service (QoS) is enabled, WTD is enabled.
shows the default WTD threshold settings.
Command Modes
Global configuration
Command History
ID of the queue-set. Each port belongs to a queue-set, which defines all the
characteristics of the four egress queues per port. The range is 1 to 2.
Specific queue in the queue-set on which the command is performed. The
range is 1 to 4.
Two WTD thresholds expressed as a percentage of the allocated memory of
the queue. The range is 1 to 3200 percent.
Amount of memory to be guaranteed (reserved) for the queue and expressed
as a percentage of the allocated memory. The range is 1 to 100 percent.
Enable a queue in the full condition to get more buffers than are reserved for
it. This is the maximum memory the queue can have before the packets are
dropped. The range is 1 to 3200 percent.
Table 2-9
Default Egress Queue WTD Threshold Settings
Queue 1
Queue 2
Queue 3
Queue 4
WTD drop threshold 1
100 percent
200 percent
100 percent
100 percent
WTD drop threshold 2
100 percent
200 percent
100 percent
100 percent
Reserved threshold
50 percent
100 percent
50 percent
50 percent
Maximum threshold
400 percent
400 percent
400 percent
400 percent
This command was introduced.