Mvr (global configuration) – Dell POWEREDGE M1000E User Manual
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Cisco Catalyst Blade Switch 3130 and 3032 for Dell Command Reference
Chapter 2 Cisco Catalyst Blade Switch 3130 and 3032 for Dell Cisco IOS Commands
mvr (global configuration)
mvr (global configuration)
Use the mvr global configuration command without keywords on the switch stack or on a standalone
switch to enable the multicast VLAN registration (MVR) feature on the switch. Use the command with
keywords to set the MVR mode for a switch, configure the MVR IP multicast address, set the maximum
time to wait for a query reply before removing a port from group membership, and to specify the MVR
multicast VLAN. Use the no form of this command to return to the default settings.
mvr [group ip-address [count] | mode [compatible | dynamic] | querytime value | vlan vlan-id]
no mvr [group ip-address | mode [compatible | dynamic] | querytime value | vlan vlan-id]
Syntax Description
MVR is disabled by default.
The default MVR mode is compatible mode.
No IP multicast addresses are configured on the switch by default.
The default group ip address count is 0.
The default query response time is 5 tenths of or one-half second.
The default multicast VLAN for MVR is VLAN 1.
group ip-address
Statically configure an MVR group IP multicast address on the switch.
Use the no form of this command to remove a statically configured IP
multicast address or contiguous addresses or, when no IP address is entered,
to remove all statically configured MVR IP multicast addresses.
(Optional) Configure multiple contiguous MVR group addresses. The range
is 1 to 256; the default is 1.
(Optional) Specify the MVR mode of operation.
The default is compatible mode.
Set MVR mode to provide compatibility with Catalyst 2900 XL and
Catalyst 3500 XL switches. This mode does not allow dynamic membership
joins on source ports.
Set MVR mode to allow dynamic MVR membership on source ports.
querytime value
(Optional) Set the maximum time to wait for IGMP report memberships on
a receiver port. This time applies only to receiver-port leave processing.
When an IGMP query is sent from a receiver port, the switch waits for the
default or configured MVR querytime for an IGMP group membership
report before removing the port from multicast group membership.
The value is the response time in units of tenths of a second. The range is 1
to 100; the default is 5 tenths or one-half second.
Use the no form of the command to return to the default setting.
vlan vlan-id
(Optional) Specify the VLAN on which MVR multicast data is expected to
be received. This is also the VLAN to which all the source ports belong. The
range is 1 to 4094; the default is VLAN 1.