Deny (arp access-list configuration), Deny (arp access-list – Dell POWEREDGE M1000E User Manual
Page 131
Cisco Catalyst Blade Switch 3130 and 3032 for Dell Command Reference
Chapter 2 Cisco Catalyst Blade Switch 3130 and 3032 for Dell Cisco IOS Commands
deny (ARP access-list configuration)
deny (ARP access-list configuration)
Use the deny Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) access-list configuration command on the switch stack
or on a standalone switch to deny an ARP packet based on matches against the DHCP bindings. Use the
no form of this command to remove the specified access control entry (ACE) from the access list.
deny {[request] ip {any | host sender-ip | sender-ip sender-ip-mask} mac {any | host sender-mac
| sender-mac sender-mac-mask} | response ip {any | host sender-ip | sender-ip sender-ip-mask}
[{any | host target-ip | target-ip target-ip-mask}] mac {any | host sender-mac | sender-mac
sender-mac-mask} [{any | host target-mac | target-mac target-mac-mask}]} [log]
no deny {[request] ip {any | host sender-ip | sender-ip sender-ip-mask} mac {any | host
sender-mac | sender-mac sender-mac-mask} | response ip {any | host sender-ip | sender-ip
sender-ip-mask} [{any | host target-ip | target-ip target-ip-mask}] mac {any | host sender-mac
| sender-mac sender-mac-mask} [{any | host target-mac | target-mac target-mac-mask}]} [log]
This command is supported only if your switch is running the IP services feature set.
Syntax Description
There are no default settings. However, at the end of the ARP access list, there is an implicit deny ip any
mac any command.
Command Modes
ARP access-list configuration
(Optional) Define a match for the ARP request. When request is not
specified, matching is performed against all ARP packets.
Specify the sender IP address.
Deny any IP or MAC address.
host sender-ip
Deny the specified sender IP address.
sender-ip sender-ip-mask
Deny the specified range of sender IP addresses.
Deny the sender MAC address.
host sender-mac
Deny a specific sender MAC address.
Deny the specified range of sender MAC addresses.
response ip
Define the IP address values for the ARP responses.
host target-ip
Deny the specified target IP address.
target-ip target-ip-mask
Deny the specified range of target IP addresses.
Deny the MAC address values for the ARP responses.
host target-mac
Deny the specified target MAC address.
Deny the specified range of target MAC addresses.
(Optional) Log a packet when it matches the ACE.