Clear storage array core dump, Clear storage array event log – Dell PowerVault MD3260i User Manual

Page 147

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The setting to remove the entire configuration of the
storage array, including security and identity information.
Removing all configuration information returns the storage
array to its initial state.


The setting to remove the virtual disk configuration and
the disk group configuration. The rest of the configuration
stays intact.

NOTE: When you run this command, the storage array becomes unresponsive, and all script processing is
cancelled. You must remove and re-add the storage array to resume communication with the host. To remove an
unresponsive storage array, access the Enterprise Management Window, and click Edit → Remove. To re-add the
storage array, access the Enterprise Management Window, click Edit → Add Storage Array, and enter the
appropriate IP addresses.

Clear Storage Array Core Dump


This command sets a flag on a RAID controller module to allow a new core dump to overwrite an existing core dump.


set storageArray coreDumpAllowOverWrite




When you retrieve a core dump from the RAID controller module cache to a host, a flag is set on the RAID controller
module to indicate that the core dump does not need to be retrieved. This setting persists for 48 hours. If a new core
dump occurs during that period, the new core dump is saved to the RAID controller module cache and overwrites any
previous core dump data in the cache.
You can use the set storageArray coreDumpAllowOverWrite command to set the RAID controller module
flag so that a new core dump overwrites any previous core dump. Without retrieving a core dump, this command sets
the flag as if you had.

Clear Storage Array Event Log


This command clears the Major Event Log (MEL) for the storage array by deleting the data in the MEL buffer.

CAUTION: As soon as you run this command, the existing MEL in the storage array is deleted.