Bio-Rad Firmware & Software Updates User Manual
Page 57
3. Select an enzyme type from the list of options (iTaq™ DNA polymerase, iProof™ DNA
polymerase, or Other).
4. Add parameters in the Additional Parameters (Optional) pane if you want to add a
Gradient Range, Hot Start Activation temperature, or Final Extension time in the
5. Select a protocol speed (Standard, Fast, or Ultrafast) by moving the sliding bar in the
Type pane. When you move the sliding bar, the software adjusts the total run time. Select
Real-time PCR to tell the software to collect fluorescence data.
6. Review the protocol in the Preview pane and total run time. Make changes as needed.
TIP: Enter the lid temperature and sample volume before each run by editing the
parameters in the Start Run tab (see “Start Run Tab” on page 30).
7. Click OK to save the new protocol or click Cancel to close the window without saving
the protocol.
TIP: To edit a protocol written with the Protocol AutoWriter, open the protocol file
(.prcl extension) in the Protocol Editor window (page 37).
NOTE: Bio-Rad Laboratories does not guarantee that running a protocol written in
the Protocol AutoWriter window will always result in a PCR product.