Bio-Rad Precision Melt Analysis™ Software User Manual
Precision melt analysis, Software quick guide, Amplification

Precision Melt Analysis
Quick Guide
Precision Melt Analysis software imports
and analyzes data files generated from a
CFX96 Touch
, CFX96 Touch
Deep Well
, CFX Connect
, CFX384
, or
CFX384 Touch
real-time PCR detection
system to genotype samples based on the
thermal denaturation properties of
double-stranded DNA.
Installing Precision Melt
Analysis Software
A computer with either a Windows XP or
Windows 7 operating system is required
to run the software. The software must be
installed on the computer by a user with
administrative privileges.
To install the Precision Melt Analysis software:
1. Place the Precision Melt Analysis software
CD in the computer’s CD drive. The software
launch page should appear automatically.
2. Click
Next on the software launch page
(Figure 1).
3. Follow the instructions onscreen to
complete the installation.
4. If the launch page does not appear
automatically, click CD drive, then
open and follow the instructions in the
Readme.txt file.
5. After installation, launch the software
by double clicking the desktop icon
(Figure 2), or select
Start > Programs >
Bio-Rad > Precision Melt Analysis.
Fig. 1. Welcome screen.
Fig. 2. Desktop software icon.