Rockwell Automation 1761 MicroLogix 1000 Programmable Controllers User Manual
Page 411

valid file types, C-5
Electronics Industries Association (EIA),
EMC Directive, 1-2
emergencyĆstop switches, 1-5
ENC, Encode 1 of 16 to 4, 9-9
Encode 1 of 16 to 4 (ENC), 9-9
entering parameters, 9-9
execution times, 9-9
instruction parameters, C-5
updates to arithmetic status bits, 9-10
valid addressing modes, C-5
valid file types, C-5
numeric constants, 4-13
values, 4-14
EQU, Equal, 7-3
Equal (EQU), 7-3
execution times, 7-3
instruction parameters, C-5
valid addressing modes, C-5
valid file types, C-5
error recovery model, 14-5
errors, 14-3
download, B-17
going-to-run, B-14
hardware, 14-3
identifying, 14-6
MSG instruction, 13-10
powerup, B-14
run, B-16, B-17
establishing communication, 3-17
European Union Directive compliance, 1-2
Examine if Closed (XIC), 6-4
execution times, 6-4
instruction parameters, C-13
valid addressing modes, C-13
valid file types, C-13
Examine if Open (XIO), 6-4
execution times, 6-4
instruction parameters, C-13
valid addressing modes, C-13
valid file types, C-13
example programs
adjustable timer, E-41
bottle line, E-21
conveyor line, E-24
event driven sequencer, E-19
on/off circuit, E-34
paper drilling machine, E-2
RPM calculation, E-28
spray booth, E-36
time driven sequencer, E-17
using the MSG instruction, 13-12
Exclusive Or (XOR), 9-20
execution times, 9-20
instruction parameters, C-13
updates to arithmetic status bits, 9-20
valid addressing modes, C-13
valid file types, C-13
execution times
listing, B-1
worksheet, B-26
fault messages, 14-7
fault recovery procedure, 14-6
fault routine, 14-6
FFL, FIFO Load, 9-25
FFU, FIFO Unload, 9-25
FIFO and LIFO instructions
FIFO Load (FFL), 9-25
FIFO Unload (FFU), 9-25
LIFO Load (LFL), 9-26
LIFO Unload (LFU), 9-26
overview, 9-23
effects on index register S:24, 9-24