Preface, Time driven sequencer ladder program – Rockwell Automation 1761 MicroLogix 1000 Programmable Controllers User Manual

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MicroLogix 1000 Programmable Controllers User Manual


Time Driven Sequencer Ladder Program

Rung 2:0
The function of this rung is called a regenerative timer. Every time
the timer reaches its preset, the DONE bit is set for one scan – this
causes this rung to become FALSE for one scan and resets the timer. On
the following scan, when this rung becomes TRUE again, the timer begins

| Timer Timer |
| Enable |
| T4:0 +TON–––––––––––––––+ |
|–––]/[–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––+TIMER ON DELAY +–(EN)–|
| DN |Timer T4:0+–(DN) |
| |Time Base 0.01| |
| |Preset 1| |
| |Accum 0| |
| +––––––––––––––––––+ |

Rung 2:1
Controls the RED, GREEN, and YELLOW lights wired to outputs O:0/0 –
O:0/2, and controls how long the regenerative timer times between each
step. When this rung goes from false-to-true (by the timer reaching
its preset), the first sequencer changes which traffic light is
illuminated, and the second sequencer changes the preset of the timer
to determine how long this next light is illuminated.

| RED, GREEN, and |
| YELLOW lights |
| T4:0 +SQO–––––––––––––––+ |
|––] [––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––+–+SEQUENCER OUTPUT +–(EN)–+–|
| DN | |File #N7:0+–(DN) | |
| | |Mask 0007+ | |
| | |Dest O:0.0| | |
| | |Control R6:0| | |
| | |Length 3| | |
| | |Position 0| | |
| | +––––––––––––––––––+ | |
| | Timer Presets | |
| | for each lights | |
| | +SQO–––––––––––––––+ | |
| |File #N7:5+–(DN) |
| |Mask FFFF| |
| |Dest T4:0.PRE| |
| |Control R6:1| |
| |Length 3| |
| |Position 0| |
| +––––––––––––––––––+ |

Rung 2.2

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