Proprietary technology notice, Copyright notice, Service and support – Kinze Ag Leader Integra User Manual

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Firmware Version 5.2

access to the locked-down features by unauthorized personnel and you as owner of the display agree to
indemnify and hold harmless Ag Leader, its, partners, subsidiaries, agents, affiliates, and/or
licensor(ee)s, as applicable, for any unauthorized access to the locked-down features.


Ag Leader Technology's display has patents on its design and operational features. Copying features of
this system relating to measurement and calculation of grain flow and weight, organization of field and
load data may result in patent infringement.


Ag Leader Technology has copyrighted (© 2013) the contents of this manual and the operating program
for the display. No reproductions may be made without first obtaining the consent of Ag Leader


Your display was designed with simplicity and ease of use in mind. This manual has been provided to
help familiarize yourself with the display and its basic functionality. Setup wizards are implemented
where appropriate within the system to further simplify configuration and use.

If you have additional questions or feel that you may be having a problem with your system, call your
local Ag Leader Technology dealer or call us directly at the phone number below. If we determine you
have a hardware failure, we will ship replacement hardware immediately.

Our Technical Support Department can be reached by phone at 515-232-5363 extension #1 or through
email at [email protected].