Kinze Ag Leader Integra User Manual

Page 251

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4. Verify the boom offsets are appropriate for the sprayer.

Problem: No “As Applied” rate


1. Check cabling from the channel connection of the Liquid Control Module to the flow meter.

2. Check flow meter for product buildup and proper operation.

Problem: Rate is erratic


1. Verify that the rate display smoothing option is check marked in the setup of the configuration.

2. Check the controller settings of the active configuration. Verify that the valve setting for your

particular type of control valve agree with the settings given in the Quick Reference Guide.

3. Use manual valve control to see if the rate stays constant.

Problem: Erratic behavior from the flow meter and boom valves.

Solution: Verify that the display firmware and module firmware are both current.

Problem: No boom pressure at the start of the field.

Solution: Before product application begins, use manual valve control to build boom

pressure. Select either Rate 1 or Rate 2 once pressure is set to desired level. Enter the
pass and allow automatic control to take over once the sections are turned on.

Problem: AutoSwath checked on, but booms will not turn on.


1. Make sure the ground speed is registering a value greater than zero on the display and not in

the covered area.

2. Make sure there is a target rate greater than 0.

3. Make sure the applicator is inside of the field boundary.

Problem: Booms turn off in the middle of the pass.


1. Check the display firmware and module firmware to see if they are the latest version released.

2. Make sure the ground speed does not go to 0.

3. Make sure the GPS is not losing the differential source.

Problem: Rate not responding (error flashing)


1. Make sure the flow meter calibration number matches the tag on the flow meter.

Note: For Raven flow meters, divide the calibration number by 10.

2. Make sure that the flow being applied is not greater than the pump can produce.

3. Use manual valve control to see if the control valve will open or close.

4. Check the tip manufacturer’s charts to make sure they are in the operating range of the


5. Check for any product buildup in the flow meter.

6. Check product filter for debris.

Problem: Booms turn on when outside of the boundary.


1. Make sure the Rate Outside of Field option is set to zero under the active configuration settings.