Google Earth User Guide User Manual

Page 89

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5. Select the correct manufacturer type for your device.

6. Under Import, Select the types of data you want to import.

7. Under Options, choose your drawing preferences. Check Draw icons

at track and route points if you want an icon to be displayed in the 3D
viewer for every track/route point recorded by your GPS device.
Check Draw lines for tracks and routes to draw each GPS track and
route as a solid line.

8. Check the Adjust altitude to ground height check box to adjust all

recorded point to ground level, such as when importing a track taken
on foot, car, or bike. However, if your GPS track was recorded while
hang gliding or flying, make sure this option is not selected so that
your points will appear as above-ground points.

9. Click OK. When your GPS data is finished loading into Google Earth,

a confirmation dialog box appears.

Your data appears in the Places panel with the label Garmin GPS Device or
Magellan GPS Device, depending upon the device used (see
