Editing places and, Folders, Placemark if you want to. see – Google Earth User Guide User Manual
Page 56: For more information, Editing places and folders, Repositioning placemarks, Dragging the placemark, Locking a placemark to the center of the view, Entering advanced coordinates, And properties. see

Google Earth User Guide
Editing Places and Folders
Locking a Placemark to
the Center of the View
Returning to the Default,
Top-Down View
Editing Places and Folders
Once you have become familiar with the basic steps involved in creating and organizing places and folders, you
can use this section to learn how you can further modify the appearance of places and folders that you have
saved. You can edit the style settings, position, and view for an individual placemark or a folder that contains place
To do this, right-click (CTRL click on the Mac) on the icon or folder in the Places panel and select Properties from
the pop-up menu. The Edit dialog box for that item appears. Enable the relevant Style, Location, and View
properties for the folder or placemark.
Note - Elements in the Style tab dynamically update to reflect the type of place data being selected.
To learn about these features and how they apply to folders and individual items, see the following topics:
Setting Icons for Places and Folders
Modifying Settings for a Single Item
Repositioning Placemarks
When editing placemarks or geometry, you might want to reposition their location on the earth. The Edit
Placemark dialog box offers a number of ways to
Dragging the Placemark
When you edit a placemark, a yellow square appears around the icon, indicating that you can reposition the icon if
you desire. Just click within the square and drag the icon to the new location. If you need to move the earth to get
a better view of the icon relative to other things, position the mouse outside the square to move the 3D viewer.
You can also
lock the placemark to the center of the view
Locking a Placemark to the Center of the View
With this feature, you reposition the earth under the placemark, rather than repositioning the placemark over the
earth. This feature is useful if you want to move a placemark a distance that extends beyond the view, and using
drag and drop is inconvenient as you switch from dragging the icon to repositioning the earth.
Click on the View tab and select the Center in View check box. When you choose this option, the placemark
moves to the center of the 3D viewer and cannot be repositioned by dragging. Instead, you position the icon by
dragging the earth, which then moves independently of the placemark. This feature allows you to easily position
an icon to a new location beyond your current screen space.
Entering Advanced Coordinates
If you know the latitude and longitude for the placemark you are editing, click the View tab and enter coordinates
to reposition the geographic point for the placemark. The placemark adjusts its position to the new values.
Latitude and Longitude values can be set using the following notations:
Decimal Degrees (DDD) In this notation, decimal precision is set in the degree coordinate. For example,