Google Agency Product Guide User Manual

Google agency product guide

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Google Agency Product Guide



Features & Benefits

Advertising Applicability

Advertising Programs

Google AdSense


A fast and easy way for website publishers
of all sizes to display relevant Google ads on
their website’s content pages. Learn more at:

Gives website publishers a way to monetize search
and content pages by delivering ads related to the
characteristics of the site. Ad formats include: text,
image, flash, and click-to-play video.

Google AdWords


Designed for advertisers who want to reach a qualified
audience as efficiently as possible. With Google
AdWords you can create ads, choose keywords for your
audience, and pay only when someone clicks on them.
Learn more at:

Connects you with new customers at the precise moment
when they’re looking for your products/services. The
Google Network, through Google properties and our
AdSense content partners, reaches more than 80 percent
of Internet users. (Source: comScore Media Metrix, 06/06.)


Audio Ads


By introducing technology advancements developed in
the Internet space, Google Audio Ads brings simplicity,
efficiency, and accountability to radio advertising.

Using Audio Ads, your client can run their ads on
hundreds of different radio stations, target their
customers by demographic details, view online reports,
and listen to real-time recordings of their ads as they
were played on the radio.


Print Ads


Google Print Ads is a new extension of Google AdWords
that makes it easy for your clients to run ads in
newspapers across the U.S. – whether they are buying
space in one paper or a hundred.

The process is simple: your clients select the newspapers,
enter a bid for available ad space, and upload their ads.
Google Print Ads isn’t auction-based – instead, they
suggest the price that works with their budget. Publishers
will review their bids and either approve, decline, or
negotiate their offers. After your clients’ ads run, they’ll
see a copy of the newspaper page where their ad was
published, and can safely pay for the placement –
all in one interface.


TV Ads


An end-to-end digital system for buying, selling,
measuring, and delivering television ads. With Google
TV Ads, your clients can boost brand awareness, drive
incremental web traffic and increase revenue. Learn
more at:

Deliver better, more relevant ads to the viewers
your clients care about. Our platform offers better
measurement, more accountability and greater
optimization which will enable your clients to advertise
more efficiently and effectively. Using Google TV Ads,
launch campaigns quickly and efficiently through our
totally automated process. It’s easy – your clients simply
send us their video ad, set their own budget and decide
when and where they’d like their ads to air.

Google Services

Google Analytics


Free hosted web analytics service that enables website
owners and marketers to better understand visitor
behavior. Google Analytics is fully integrated into Google
AdWords and is available to AdWords advertisers. This
service is not limited to AdWords customers – any
website owner can use Google Analytics for free. To learn
more about Google Analytics features or to sign up, go to

Google Analytics will help your clients better understand
and influence visitor behavior, and generate a higher ROI
on marketing initiatives.

Google Apps


Google Apps is a way for your clients to stay connected
and work together more effectively. Gmail, Google
Calendar and Google Talk can be used in their own
custom domain, while Docs & Spreadsheets lets them
share files and collaborate in real-time.

It’s all hosted by Google, so there’s no hardware or
software to install or download, and minimal setup and
maintenance. You can get up and running quickly, even if
you don’t have technical resources.

Currently, no ads are being served
on Google Apps.



Blogger is a place to collect and share things that you
find interesting – whether it’s your political commentary,
a personal diary, or links to websites you want to
remember. Create a personalized blog at


Google Blogger has a range of features that
can help your clients communicate more effectively to
interested parties. And, with the AdSense program, they
can even earn revenue by blogging.

AdWords ads are available on
Blogger sites.

Google Product



Google Product Search (formerly Froogle) applies the
power of Google’s search technology to one very specific
task: locating sellers that offer the item you want to find
and pointing you directly to the place where you can
buy it.

Google Product Search connects users with
sellers at the moment of sale.

AdWords ads appear on Google
Product Search.




Google Checkout is a fast, convenient checkout process
that can bring your clients more customers and allows
them to purchase with a single login – and they can
process their orders and charge their credit or debit
cards for free.

Using Checkout, your clients can increase sales, process
sales for free, and protect themselves from fraud.

Currently, no ads are being served
on Google Checkout.

Google Desktop



A desktop search tool that provides a full search over
your computer files, emails, music, photos, web chats,
and searches. Download Google Desktop Search at

Google Desktop puts your client pitches, briefs, and
media plans easily within your reach – and frees you
from having to manually organize your files, emails,
and bookmarks.

When searching, sponsored ads
may be shown.