Google DoubleClick Rich Media Guide to Rich Media Innovation User Manual

Guide to rich media innovation, Innovations with doubleclick rich media

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Guide to Rich Media Innovation

Push the boundaries of creativity through
streamlined tools and access to innovation

Creativity matters. Even the best media plans fall short without good creative. To help
foster creativity, DoubleClick Rich Media provides tools that help creative agencies execute
their vision. We partner with agencies to make ads more relevant, more real-time and
more interactive across screens.

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Innovations with DoubleClick Rich Media

Augmented Reality

With augmented reality, all people need is a webcam
and a simple printout or camera phone to experience
immersive games or stunning 3D product demonstrations.
The DoubleClick Rich Media ad displays an image, which
viewers can print or capture on their phone. This image
can then be used to experience a product or brand in
magical and inspiring ways. Augmented reality makes
real on screen what creatives could previously only hope
to inspire in the user’s imagination. Have users control
games, or “touch” a product. Creativity is the only limit.

Interactive Page Takeover

Page takeovers that appear to interact with page content
are nothing new, but in the past, creatives had to use visibly
outdated prints of the screen, creating a less than ideal
transition between the real page and the page mimicked by
the ad. DoubleClick Rich Media helps you take a live screen
capture at the moment of ad exposure to make sure your
page takeovers seamlessly cross the divide between ad and
content. Use it to transform a user’s favorite web pages into
full-screen ads that surprise and delight. Realistically have
the ad interact with the web page itself, moving around
or even deleting text and images.