Google Message Continuity User Guide User Manual
Google message continuity user guide, What to do when exchange goes down

Google Message Continuity User Guide
Google Message Continuity is a disaster recovery solution for Microsoft® Exchange based on Google Apps
Gmail and Postini Services. Message Continuity enables you to use Gmail as a backup mail server during
planned and unplanned outages. Message Continuity delivers your organization's messages to both your
primary mail server and to Gmail, which ensures that your organization never loses access to email.
Changes made by users are synchronized between the primary mail server and Gmail. During an outage,
you can then log in to Gmail to access your messages. At the end of the outage, all changes you make in
Gmail are synchronized with your Outlook messages. This includes messages that you send from Gmail to
other users, new messages that you receive while using Gmail during the downtime, messages that you
mark as read or starred, and changes that you make to folders and labels.
In This Guide:
What to do when Exchange Goes Down
What to do when Exchange Comes Back Up
What to Expect from Synchronization
Moving Messages Between Folders
What to do when Exchange Goes Down
When your organization's Exchange server goes down, you can log in to your Gmail account using the
same login name for Gmail as you use for Exchange. Your Exchange administrator provides a Gmail
password for you, and you may need to change this password when you first log in to Gmail. Once logged
in, you have access to all of your recent messages, both sent and received. The date range for the
historical email available on Gmail depends on the configuration setting selected by your administrator, and
the quantity of historical emails already migrated from Gmail to Exchange.
Once logged in, you can continue to use Gmail as you would use Exchange. All changes that you make on
your Gmail account will be automatically synchronized with the Exchange server once the Exchange
outage is over.