Data acquisition parameters, Channel [ch, Integration time – Ocean Optics OOISensors User Manual

Page 34: For oxygen sensors

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2: OOISensors Software

OOISensors always subtracts the dark measurement from the sample measurement in the OOISensors

Data Acquisition Parameters

This control, located at the top of the OOISensors screen, allows you to specify the integration time,
averaging and boxcar smoothing values. This control provides you with immediate access to the data
acquisition settings.

Channel [CH]

To set the data acquisition parameters (such as integration time, averaging and boxcar smoothing) for a
specific spectrometer channel
, first select the spectrometer channel from the CH pull down menu.


This pull down menu is not for selecting the spectrometer channels that are active in the display
graph. It is only used to specify the data acquisition parameter for a specific channel.

To activate and display specific spectrometer channels, select Configure | Spectrometer from
the menu bar and click on the Sensors tab. Then, enable each spectrometer in the system.

Integration Time

This parameter specifies the length of the spectral acquisition in milliseconds for the specified
spectrometer channel (in the CH pull down menu). The integration time of the spectrometer is analogous
to the shutter speed of a camera. The higher the value specified for the integration time, the longer the
detector "looks" at the incoming photons.

For Oxygen Sensors:

If your signal intensity is too low, increase this value. If the signal intensity is too high, decrease the
value. Adjust the integration time until the fluorescence peak (~600 nm) is about 2000 counts in air or
saturated water. The fluorescence peak should not exceed 3500 counts. The intensity of the LED peak
(~475 nm) does not affect your measurements. You only need to adjust the integration time if the
fluorescence peak is saturating the detector.


If you are using any light source and the SF2000 with the switch on Pulse, only set the
integration time to powers of two (2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64… etc.). This ensures a constant number of
LED pulses during each spectral acquisition.

