Ocean Optics Breakout Box User Manual
Breakout box, Installation and operation instructions, Description

Breakout Box
Installation and Operation Instructions
The Ocean Optics Breakout Box (HR4-BREAKOUT) is a passive module that separates the signals
from their 30-pin port to an array of standard connectors and headers, enabling easy access to a variety
of features found in Ocean Optics’ HR2000+, HR4000, USB4000 (with USB-ADP-BB adapter), and
QE65000 Spectrometers. In addition to the accessory connector, the breakout box features a circuit
board based on a neutral breadboard pattern that allows custom circuitry to be prototyped on the board
The Breakout Box allows multiple interfaces to the spectrometer, such as the following:
• DB-15 light sources
• RS-232 interface
• External triggering
• Analog Input/Output
The Breakout Box is compatible with HR4000 Spectrometers with Revision B or
greater. HR4000 Spectrometers with serial numbers beginning with HR4A are not
compatible with the HR4000 Breakout Box.