Ooisensors software, Ooisensors overview, Chapter 2 – Ocean Optics OOISensors User Manual

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Chapter 2

OOISensors Software

OOISensors Overview

OOISensors Software is Ocean Optics’ next generation of operating software for the Fiber Optic Sensors
System. OOISensors is an advanced acquisition and display program that provides a real-time interface to
a variety of signal-processing functions for all Windows platforms. With OOISensors, you have the
ability to obtain oxygen partial pressure and concentration values, control all system parameters, collect
data from up to 8 spectrometer channels simultaneously and display the results in a single spectral
window, perform time acquisition experiments, and display and correct for temperature and/or ambient
pressure fluctuations in the sample.

OOISensors allows you to use the Second Order Polynomial algorithm in the calibration procedure. This
algorithm often provides more accurate data than the linear Stern-Volmer algorithm. Furthermore, you
can now monitor temperature with the OOISensors application. OOISensors corrects the data for any
fluctuations in temperature.

OOISensors can also display up to eight spectrometer channels in one spectral window, while providing
unique data acquisition parameters to each spectrometer channel.

Additionally, the Time Chart feature in OOISensors can display O


values, pH values, and the data from

all active channels at a specific wavelength over a period. During a timed data acquisition procedure, you
can enter text for an event into the log file. Both the Time Chart and Data Logging features are enabled by
a simple switch next to the graph.

OOISensors can support up to four MFPF units; up to eight channels can be supported when OOISensors
is used with MFPF100-2 (two-channel) units.
