Ls-450 specifications, R-ls-450 rack-mount blue led pulsed light source – Ocean Optics OOISensors User Manual

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6: Hardware Data Sheets and Instructions

• When using the pulsed flash mode, you need to ensure that a constant number of flashes

occur for every integration cycle. To achieve a constant number of flashes per integration
cycle, the integration time must be a multiple of that shown in the table below. Integration
times are set in the software.

S2000 JP3 setting

Integration time for
DAQ700 (multiple of)

Integration time for
SAD500 (multiple of)

Integration time for
ADC1000 (multiple of)

/10 8

(with a min. value of 24 ms)



/12 32



/14 128




512 128 64

LS-450 Specifications

Specification Value

Physical dimensions

9.0 cm x 5.0 cm x 3.2 cm (LWH)

3.5" x 2.0" x 1.25" (LHW)

Spectral output

20 mA

Total output power = 500


Typical power into 600 µm fiber = 75

µW (+/-25%)

Typical power into 200 µm fiber = 6

µW (+/-25%)

Stability (after 2 minutes)

+/-2 counts

R-LS-450 Rack-mount Blue LED Pulsed Light Source

The R-LS-450 Blue LED Pulsed Light Source is a compact, low-cost light-emitting diode that produces
pulsed or continuous spectral output at 470 nm - the blue region - for high-sensitivity emission
fluorescence measurements. The R-LS-450 is the rack mount version of the LS-450 and can be
configured to operate in continuous wave mode or pulsed mode through both manual operation and

