Ocean Optics OOISensors User Manual

Page 23

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2: OOISensors Software

Option Name


Choose a spectrometer
channel to view its sensor

Selects the spectrometer channel for which all sensor options will be
applied. Each spectrometer channel has its own parameters.

Scan dark for every
measurement (oxygen
sensor only)

Automatically stores a dark spectrum each time a simple scan is taken.
Only for use with the SF2000 in pulsed mode, and the USB-LS-450 light

Channel active

Activates the currently selected spectrometer channel (see above). For
some multichannel systems such as the ADC1000-USB, the software
sets the active channels according to what is stored in hardware and will
not allow you to activate or deactivate channels.


Selects the type of sensor used for each spectrometer channel.


Changes the color of the spectral trace in the display graph. Click directly
on the color box to customize the color.

Analysis Wavelength

Enter the analysis wavelength. This number should be close to 600 nm,
since the ruthenium complex at the tip of the oxygen probe emits energy
at ~600 nm when it fluoresces.

Bandwidth Pixels

Enter the number of pixels to average on either side of the analysis
wavelength, typically 25. This value is in addition to the boxcar smoothing
on the main window. For best results, keep the boxcar value low.


Specifies the type of information charted in the spectral graph.

Data Display for Sensor

Specify the data display format and precision of the data. Select Decimal
or Scientific from the Format drop-down menu, and select a value (max.
5) to specify the precision of the oxygen data displayed on the screen and
saved in log files.

Calibration Order

Select Linear (Stern Volmer) or Second Order Polynomial.

Temperature Compensation Select this checkbox to enable temperature compensation.

Oxygen Units

Select to use % oxygen (based on factory calibration for oxygen in air), or
Weight Fraction (Henry’s Law) for water

Henry’s coefficients

Enter Henry’s coefficients if you are using a liquid other than water (water
is the default).

Wavelength Calibration

Compare these values with the Wavelength Calibration Data Sheet that
accompanied your system to ensure that the values are identical. If
necessary, enter the correct values for each channel. Software retrieves
coefficients from hardware when possible.
