Printronix SL5000r RFID Smart Label and Thermal Printers User Manual
Page 223
Emulation Submenus
Position Aft FF
Allows you to select the location of the print position after a Form Feed
command is sent.
Off (the default). Sets the printer to print at position 2 of the first print line
on the next form.
On. Sets the printer to print at print position 1 of the first print line on the
next form.
Power on IGP/PGL
You can set the IGP/PGL feature so that it is enabled or disabled when the
printer is powered on.
Enable (the default). The IGP/PGL is enabled when the printer is
powered on. (The IGP/PGL feature is initialized in the Normal mode.)
Disable. The IGP/PGL is disabled when the printer is powered on. (The
IGP/PGL feature is initialized to the Quiet mode.)
Power-up ^F
Disable (the default).
Enable. Selects free format mode as the power-up default, and selects
the graphics mode ^PY as the power-up default. Free format causes the
VGL to ignore carriage returns, line feeds, and all characters below 20
hex sent from the host.
Power-up ^PY
Disable (the default).
Enable. Selects the graphics mode ^PY as the power-up default.
Power-up ^X
Disable (the default).
Enable. Selects the ignore mode as the power-up default, and selects the
graphics mode ^PY as the power-up default. All characters are ignored
until a ^A command is received.
Preparser Port
Allows you to send preparser commands to the printer through any port.
Disable (the default). Not using the Preparser command.
Enable. The preparser command can be accepted from any port.
Primary Subset
This item allows selection of the desired primary character subset used by the
printer. The factory default is ASCII (USA).