Refining media into clips – EVS XEDIO CleanEdit Version 4.35 - August 2013 User Manual User Manual

Page 28

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Adding the media to your project, in the Clip zone, and placing it at the end of the

Activate the Fill button, then drag and drop the media to the Clip zone.


Refining Media Into Clips

To mark clips from the media in a project, it is necessary to view the media in the Player
window on the Edit tab.

Once you are in the Edit tab, proceed as follows to view the media and mark sections for
inclusion on the timeline:

1. Select the requested media from the Media zone and double-click on it or drag it to the

Player window. It will open in the Player window.

2. Play the media using

the transport controls on the panel,

the keyboard shortcuts or

the optional remote control panel (ShuttlePRO).

3. Mark an IN point by clicking on the

button on the panel.

4. Optionally, add a name for the clip in the text field.


2. The Basics

EVS Broadcast Equipment SA

Issue 4.35.B - August 2013