Renesas REJ10J1837-0100 User Manual

Page 84

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High-performance Embedded Workshop

3. Advanced Build Features

REJ10J1837-0100 Rev.1.00 Nov. 16, 2008

Step 4

The fourth and final step allows you to specify any environment variables that the phase requires.

To add a new environment variable click the Add button (the Environment Variable dialog is displayed). Enter the
variable name into the Variable field and the variable’s value into the Value field and then click the OK button to add
the new variable to the list. To modify an environment variable select the variable from the list and then click the
Modify button. Make the required changes to the Variable and Value fields and then click the OK button to add the
modified variable to the list. To remove environment variables select the variable that you want to remove from the list
and then click the Remove button.

If the tool you are adding can display its output whilst the tool is running then use the Read Output on Fly option. This
will display the tool output as each line of output happens. If this option is set to off then the High-performance
Embedded Workshop will store all output that is being displayed by the tool, and display it in the Output window when
the tool has finished its operation. This can be a problem when the tool is running an operation that might take many
minutes, as it is difficult to see the progress of the current execution.


Using Read Output on Fly can cause problems when using certain tools on certain operating systems. If you are
having problems with tools locking up or freezing in High-performance Embedded Workshop then un-check the Read
Output on Fly

Click the Finish button to create the new phase. By default the new phase is added to the bottom of the Build phase
list in the Build Order tab of the Build Phases dialog box.