Renesas REJ10J1837-0100 User Manual

Page 307

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High-performance Embedded Workshop

17. Using the Debugger

REJ10J1837-0100 Rev.1.00 Nov. 16, 2008

To add a new empty session

1. Select [Debug -> Debug Sessions]. The Debug Sessions dialog box opens.

2. Click the Add button. The Add Session dialog box opens.

3. Click the Add New Session radio button.

4. Enter a name for the session.

5. Click the OK button.

You can import session data from another file and create a new session file in the project directory. All information is
an exact copy of the file the data was imported from.

To import an existing session into a new session file

1. Select [Debug -> Debug Sessions]. The Debug Sessions dialog box opens.

2. Click the Add button. The Add Session dialog box opens.

3. Click the Use an existing session file radio button.

4. Enter a name for the session.

5. Browse to an existing session file location, which you would like to import into the current project.

6. Click the OK button.

This operation can also be achieved by using the [File -> Import session].

To import an existing session using [File -> Import Session]

1. Select [File -> Import Session]. The Session Name dialog box opens.

2. Enter the new session name.

3. Select the session file you wish to import into the new session.

4. Click OK. A new session is added with the same settings as the file you browsed to but with the new name.