Renesas REJ10J1837-0100 User Manual
Page 296

High-performance Embedded Workshop
17. Using the Debugger
REJ10J1837-0100 Rev.1.00 Nov. 16, 2008
To remove selected download modules using the Projects tab of the Workspace window
1. Select the download modules that you want to remove in the Projects tab of the Workspace window. Multiple
download modules can be selected by holding down the SHIFT or CTRL key.
2. Select one of the following operations:
• Select Remove from the pop-up menu opened by right-clicking, OR
• Press Delete key.
3. A confirmation dialog box opens for you to select whether or not to remove the selected download modules
from the project. To delete the selected download modules, select Yes. Otherwise select No or Cancel.
If you do not wish to open this confirmation dialog box, select the Don't ask this question again checkbox.
To open this dialog box again, select [Setup -> Options] to open the Options dialog box. Select the Remove
download module(s) from project checkbox on the Confirmation tab. By default, this checkbox is selected.
To change the order of a module to be downloaded to the target
1. Open the Debug Settings dialog box.
2. Select a module in the Download modules list and click the Up or Down button.
Any changes made in the Debug Settings dialog box are only changed when you click OK. Downloading modules
Download the object program to be debugged.
To download modules
Select one of the following operations:
• Select the module, which you wish to download, from the [Debug -> Download Modules] submenu, OR
• Double-click the module in the Download modules folder on the Projects tab of the workspace window, OR
• Right-click on the module in the Download modules folder on the Projects tab of the workspace window to
display a pop-up menu. Select Download or Download (Debug Data Only).
The High-performance Embedded Workshop shows the most recently downloaded modules on the submenu of [File ->
Recently Download Modules]. This is useful when you wish to download a module that you recently used.
To download all modules
Select one of the following operations:
• Select [Debug -> Download Modules -> All Download Modules], OR
• Right-click within the Download folder on the Projects tab of the workspace window to display a pop-up
menu. Select Download all modules.
Select the [Debug -> Debug Settings] menu option. The Debug Settings dialog box opens. The files will be
downloaded to the target in order of the Download modules list.
An existing module, which is not yet added to the Download modules list, can be automatically downloaded to the
target when it is added to the Download modules list.