Renesas REJ10J1837-0100 User Manual
Page 383

High-performance Embedded Workshop
17. Using the Debugger
REJ10J1837-0100 Rev.1.00 Nov. 16, 2008
The Watch window is updated to show the new name.
Names of watch items cannot be changed in the following cases.
• The user program is running.
• Two or more watch items are selected.
(4) Expanding a watch item
If a watch item is a pointer, array, or structure, then you will see a plus sign (+) expansion indicator to left of its name,
this means that you can expand the watch item. To expand a watch item, click on it. The item expands to show the
elements (in the case of structures and arrays) or data value (in the case of pointers) indented by one tab stop, and the
plus sign changes to a minus sign (-). If the elements of the watch item also contain pointers, structures, or arrays then
they will also have expansion indicators next to them.
To collapse an expanded watch item, click on the item again. The item's elements will collapse back to the single item
and the minus sign changes back to a plus sign.
The watch item can be expanded for the number of levels when a numerical key from 1 to 9 is pressed while a watch
item is selected.
(5) Editing a watch item's value
You can change the value of a watch item.
To edit a watch item's value
Select either of the following ways.