4 filling an area of memory with constant data, 5 copying an area of memory – Renesas REJ10J1837-0100 User Manual
Page 328

High-performance Embedded Workshop
17. Using the Debugger
REJ10J1837-0100 Rev.1.00 Nov. 16, 2008
Filling an area of memory with constant data
You can set the contents of a range of memory addresses to a value using the memory fill feature. Select an address
range to fill in the Memory window by dragging the mouse. Choose Fill from the pop-up menu of the memory window.
The Fill dialog box opens.
Enter the data (value or character) to be filled in the Data field.
Select the Verify check box. Support for verify function depends on the debugger.
If you did not drag the address range to be filled, you must enter the start/end address. The end address can also be
prefixed by a plus (+); the end address will become the (start address) + (entered value).
When specifying the value
Click the Value button in the Data Type group. Specify the data length in the Length field.
When setting the character
Click the String button in the Data Type group. Specify the character code in the Code field.
When the display data length is two bytes, two bytes' worth of a character can be specified.
Please use the Set dialog box to specify the character string. (Select menu Set)
Copying an area of memory
You can copy an area of memory using the memory copy feature. Select a copy-source address range in the Memory
window by dragging the mouse. Choose Move from the pop-up menu of the memory window. The Move dialog box