IBM INFO PRINT 3000 User Manual
Page 336
An upward-compatible extension of the
IBM System/360. A large collection of computing
system devices that can be combined to produce a wide
range of computing systems that share many
characteristics, including a common machine language.
A basic unit of work to be accomplished by a
device or an operator.
Transmission Control Protocol/Internet
Protocol. A set of communication protocols that support
peer-to-peer connectivity functions for both local and
wide area networks.
Two-channel switch.
tensile strength.
A measure of the force that the paper
forms can withstand without tearing.
test mode.
The operational mode in which the printer
can produce print samples, accept configuration
changes, and control traces. When the InfoPrint 3000
are in test mode, they is not accepting information from
the attached controlling computer system. Contrast
with print mode and diagnostic mode.
text orientation.
The position of text as a combination
of print direction and baseline direction.
The interval between cuts of a perforation.
In a local area network, a particular message or
bit pattern passed successively from one attaching
device to another to indicate which attachment has
permission to transmit.
token ring.
A network with a ring topology that
passes tokens from one attaching device to another.
The material that forms the image on the paper.
(1) A record of the running of a computer
program. It exhibits the sequences in which the
instructions were executed. (2) To record a series of
events as they occur. (3) In the InfoPrint 3000, a
customer engineer and customer analysis procedure.
The mechanism that controls movement of
continuous forms by way of holes.
tractor holes.
The holes in the side margins on
continuous forms. When placed on the tractor pins, the
holes maintain printer alignment and registration, and
control the movement of the paper.
Two-channel switch (TCS).
A hardware facility that
allows an input or output device to be attached to two
channels. In a 3900 Advanced Function Printing
System, this facility is automatically supplied when two
System/370 Parallel channels are installed.
up fold.
Fanfold forms are alternately folded. When
fanfold forms are unfolded and held horizontally, a fold
is an up fold if it points up from the horizontal surface.
variable data.
The data that can vary; for example, the
names and addresses in form letters.
vector graphics.
Computer graphics in which display
images are generated from display commands and
coordinate data. Contrast with raster pattern.
Virtual Storage Extended (VSE).
An operating system
that is an extension of Disk Operating System/Virtual
Storage (OS/VS).
Virtual Storage Extended/Advanced Functions
The minimum operating system support for
a VSE-controlled installation.
Virtual Storage Extended/System Product.
(1) A missing part of the printed character. (2) A
missing piece of a continuous form.
In printing, the axis perpendicular to the
direction in which the paper moves through the printer.
In printing, the axis parallel with the direction
in which the paper moves through the printer.
InfoPrint 3000 Operator’s Guide