H3C Technologies H3C S7500E Series Switches User Manual
Page 164
Configure the IS level of all routers as Level-1 or Level-2 and don’t configure different levels in this
case because there is no need for all routers to maintain two identical LSDBs;
Configure the IS level as Level-2 on all routers in an IP network for scalability.
For an interface of a Level-1 (or Level-2) router, the circuit level can only be Level-1 (or Level-2). For
an interface of a Level-1-2 router, the default circuit level is Level-1-2; if the router only needs to form
Level-1 (or Level-2) neighbor relationships, you can configure the circuit level for its interfaces as
Level-1 (or Level-2) to limit neighbor relationship establishment.
Follow these steps to configure the IS level and circuit level:
To do…
Use the command…
Enter system view
Enter IS-IS view
isis [ process-id ] [ vpn-instance
vpn-instance-name ]
Specify the IS level
is-level { level-1 | level-1-2 |
level-2 }
The default is Level-1-2.
Return to system view
Enter interface view
interface interface-type
Specify the circuit level
isis circuit-level [ level-1 |
level-1-2 | level-2 ]
The default is Level-1-2.
Configuring the Network Type of an Interface as P2P
Interfaces with different network types operate differently. For example, broadcast interfaces on a
network need to elect the DIS and flood CSNP packets to synchronize the LSDBs, while P2P
interfaces on a network need not elect the DIS and have a different LSDP synchronization mechanism.
If there are only two routers on a broadcast network, you can configure the network type of attached
interfaces as P2P to avoid DIS election and CSNP flooding, saving network bandwidth and speeding
up network convergence.
Follow these steps to configure the network type of an interface:
To do…
Use the command…
Enter system view
Enter interface view
interface interface-type