Verilink Access Manager 2000 (896-502037-001) Product Manual User Manual
Page 29

Conventions used in this guide
Access Manager 2000 User Manual
Check Boxes
Check boxes are used with checklists and sequential lists. Verilink
recommends that you photocopy these lists and use them each time you
attempt to execute a sequential operation.
A check box with a check mark indicates that the instruction may not be
necessary or may have already been done earlier.
Other conventions
The following conventions are used to reference special keys, keystroke
combinations, or other information:
Special keystroke(s) combinations are shown as:
(to press the F5 function key).
depress the PgUp key).
Some people are familiar with the
If a message appears on the screen, it is fully capitalized as follows:
... the message
All program and data file names are fully capitalized as follows:
.. the
file is copied.
References to names of other chapters, sections, and menus are
initial-letter capitalized and italicized as follows:
... refer to the On-line Menu
Check Box
Check Box with Check Mark