Hypertherm Phoenix 8.0 User Manual
Page 422
Sensor THC
Allows the operator to select whether the Sensor THC operates in manual or automatic
mode. Manual mode disables the torch height control and allows the torch to cut at the
specified cut height and voltage. Automatic mode allows the THC to command the torch
up and down to maintain the voltage at the specified arc voltage set point.
Ignition Output
Enables the use of the ignition output to ignite the plasma torch. If your plasma system
requires a separate ignition signal, select On. If not, leave Ignition Off.
Voltage Tracking Range
Specifies the allowable variation in arc voltage from the set point. If the arc voltage goes
above or below this allowable range, the system faults and pauses cutting.
IHS in Manual
Allows the operator to select whether to use initial height sensing when operating the
Sensor THC in manual mode.
Retract Full/Partial
Allows the retract distance to be set at full or partial. During a full retract, the torch
retracts to the home position. During a partial retract, the torch retracts to the set retract
Partial Retract Distance
Selects the THC retract distance for a partial retract.
Start IHS Distance
Specifies the distance that the THC travels to move the torch at high speed before
switching to low speed and beginning initial height sense. Take care to select a distance
that allows the torch to clear the plate.
Skip IHS Within
Disables initial height sense at pierce points if IHS falls within the selected distance.
This setting increases cutting productivity. The distance is measured from the end point
of the cut segment to the next pierce point.
Preflow During IHS
Select On to activate preflow during the IHS cycle.
Early Preflow if Skip IHS
Select On to activate preflow during the traverse before the pierce if skip IHS is enabled.
Nozzle Contact IHS
Select On to require the Sensor THC to use contact sense to detect the plate during the
IHS cycle. Use this parameter when cutting light gauge material to prevent plate