Hypertherm Phoenix 8.0 User Manual
Page 333
image and are automatically assigned. The “original” ghost image is the factory
default and cannot be over written.
Back up begins automatically:
--------------Backing Up Drive, Please Wait ---------------
The following Message appears when the backup is complete:
---- Back Up Complete, Please Remove Disk and Reboot -----
4. Remove the diskette or USB memory device.
5. Turn the control off and then on.
You may need to reload table setups and software updates if the image is not current.
Retrieve an Image File
To retrieve an image file:
1. Place the Norton Diskette or USB memory device into the control.
2. Turn the control on.
Norton Ghost displays:
Starting PC DOS.......
Select 1 to make a New Backup Image or 2 to restore
existing [1,2]
3. Press 2 to retrieve the back up image.
You can create up to three custom images. They are created as newest to oldest
image. The original ghost image is the factory default. The next message allows the
user to select which version to use when restoring: