Comtech EF Data DMD20 User Manual

Page 57

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DMD20/DMD50/DMD2050/DMD2050E/DMD1050/OM20 Remote Protocol

Remote Operations




Rx Interface Type

0 = G.703 Bal T1 AMI, 1 = G.703 Bal T1 B8ZS, 2 =
G.703 B E1 HDB3, 3 = G.703 Bal T2 B6ZS, 4 = G.703
Unbal E1 HDB3, 5 = G.703 Unbal T2 B8ZS, 6 = G.703
Unbal E2 HDB3, 7 = RS422 Serial, 8 = V.35, 9 =
RS232 Serial, 10 = HSSI, 11 = ASI, 12 = Advanced
ASI, 13 = M2P Parallel, 14 = DVB Parallel, 24 =
Ethernet Bridge, 25 = MIL-188-114A, 26 = RS423
Serial, 27 = Eurocomm 256, 28= Eurocomm 512, 29 =
Eurocomm 1024, 30 = Eurocomm 2048, 31 = G.703
Unbal T3 B3ZS, 32 = G.703 Unbal E3 HDB3, 33 =
G.703 Unbal STS1 HDB3


Insert Status Mask

Bit 0 = Frame lock
Bit 1 = Multiframe lock. Valid in E1 PCM-30 and PCM-


Bit 2 = CRC lock. Valid in T1ESF, and E1 CRC enabled
Bits 3 – 7 = Reserved
0 = Mask, 1 = Allow


Rx RS N Code

2 - 255 Reed-Solomon code word length


Rx RS K Code

1 - 254 Reed-Solomon message length


Rx RS Depth

4, 8, or 12

<1> External





Data Invert

0 = None, 1 = Terrestrial, 2 = Baseband, 3 = Terrestrial
and Baseband


Alarm 5 Mask

Bit 0 = Trellis Decoder Lock
Bit 1 = IFEC Alarm
Bit 2 = T1/E1 Signaling
Bit 3 = TPC Conflict Check
Bit 4 – 5 = Spares
Bit 6 = DVB Frame Lock Fault
Bit 7 = Spare
0 = Mask, 1 = Allow


BPSK Symbol Pairing 0 = Normal, 1 = Swapped


ES Mode

0 = Normal, 1 = Enhanced


ES Type

0 = RS-232, 1 = RS-485


ES Baud

0 =150, 1 = 300, 2 = 600, 3 = 1200, 4 = 2400, 5= 4800,
6 = 9600, 7 = 19200, 8 = 38400, 9 = 57600, 10 =


ES Data Bits

0 = 7 Bits, 1 = 8 Bits


IDR Overhead Type

0 = 32K Voice, 1 = 64K Data


FM Orderwire Mode


<1> TMT


Length Reserved


EbNo Threshold

Unsigned Binary Value, 0-99, Implied Decimal Point
(0.0 through 9.9 dB)

<2> Reacquisition



Binary value, 1 Hz steps, 0 - 65535


Terrestrial Streaming

0 = Continuous, 1 = Burst


Terrestrial Framing

0 = DVB 188, 1 = DVB 204, 2 = NONE


Alarm 6 Mask

Bit 0 = LBST LNB DC Current Alarm
Bit 1 = LBST LNB DC Voltage Alarm
Bit 2 = Ethernet WAN Alarm
Bits 3 – 7 = Spares
0 = Mask, 1 = Allow

<1> TPC

De-Interleaver 0

= Disabled, 1 = Enabled

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