5 rtc example: starting and setting the clock, 5 rtc example: starting and setting the clock -8, Maxq family user’s guide: maxq2010 supplement – Maxim Integrated MAXQ Family Users Guide: MAXQ2010 Supplement User Manual

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MAXQ Family User’s Guide:

MAXQ2010 Supplement


14.5 RTC Example: Starting and Setting the Clock

move RCNT, #08000h

;RTC write enable

call wait_busy

;Call subroutine to verify RCNT.3 (BUSY) is low

move RTSS, #00h

;Clear sub-second count

move RTSL, #0000h

;Clear low-order seconds counter

move RTSH, #0000h

;Clear high-order seconds counter

move RCNT, #08001h

;Start clock