5 rtc example: starting and setting the clock, 5 rtc example: starting and setting the clock -8, Maxq family user’s guide: maxq2010 supplement – Maxim Integrated MAXQ Family Users Guide: MAXQ2010 Supplement User Manual

Page 70

5 rtc example: starting and setting the clock, 5 rtc example: starting and setting the clock -8, Maxq family user’s guide: maxq2010 supplement | Maxim Integrated MAXQ Family Users Guide: MAXQ2010 Supplement User Manual | Page 70 / 147 5 rtc example: starting and setting the clock, 5 rtc example: starting and setting the clock -8, Maxq family user’s guide: maxq2010 supplement | Maxim Integrated MAXQ Family Users Guide: MAXQ2010 Supplement User Manual | Page 70 / 147