Rockwell Automation 2364F Regenerative DC Bus Supply Unit (RGU) User Manual

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Publication 2364F-5.01– October 2003

RGU Catalog Numbers


System utilization voltages.

M ultiple option num bers m ust be separated by a dash and added to the base catalog num ber.

IG B T m odule assem bly is available for use as a spare part; do not include H P code, trip device, or options in the catalog
string. IG B T m odule assem bly includes IG BT m odules, snubbers, free-w heeling diodes, m odule fan, precharge
resistors, gate driver boards, m ain control board, and isolation board. Exam ple: 2364FA-K N B

Each RG U includes a basic capacity control transform er that supplies the R G U w ith control pow er. The control pow er
source option allow s you to select a higher capacity control transform er for control bus applications. Control pow er
source option includes a control bus fuse and control bus.

The line R C suppressor is recom m ended for installations w here the prim ary of the distribution transform er is 2300V A C
or greater.

Pow er transform er m ust have a resistive, grounded-w ye secondary w here the resistance is 150 ohm s.

The RG U can accom m odate up to 1 of the follow ing options: 14G 1, 14G 2, or 14G 5.

H um an Interface M odule options perm it H IM or G PT connection through a closed unit door. O nly one H um an Interface
M odule option can be selected.

Units com e standard w ith cloth w ire labels. D atab labels offer the added protection of a clear plastic cover on top of the

Custom er supplies 115V A C control pow er and w iring to the duplex receptacle.









