Rgu catalog numbers, 2364 f a – Rockwell Automation 2364F Regenerative DC Bus Supply Unit (RGU) User Manual

Page 130

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Publication 2364F-5.01– October 2003


RGU Catalog Numbers

RGU Catalog Numbers

B ulletin
N um ber


W iring



R ating


A C Input Line





F = R G U

A = “A ” type

J =

K =

L =

M =

N =

A = N EM A Type 1 w ithout gaskets and door fan filters

J = N EM A Type 1 w ith gaskets and door fan filters

N = 380V A C

B = 460V A C

C = 575V A C

C ontrol Pow er S ource

6P = S tandard capacity control transform er for control bus

D oor-M ounted Pilot Lights

4EA = U nit-N ot-Faulted / C ontrol B us Pow er O n Pilot Light

M etering

710P = A nalog A C input am m eter (L1 Phase only)

715P = A nalog D C bus voltage m ete r


14LS P = Line R C suppressor m odule

U nit D oor N am eplates

M 3EW = W hite background w ith black lettering; phenolic label

N 3EB = B lac k background w ith w hite lettering; phenolic label

N 3ER = R ed background w ith w hite lettering; phenolic label

M iscellaneous

14W LB L = B rady D atab ™ w ire labels

J12 = 115V D C , 15A duplex receptacle
J11 = A udio phone jack

D C B us Current for:

380/460V A C Inputs

575V A C Inputs

85A D C

200A D C

364A D C

752A D C

1000A D C

71A D C

202A D C

326A D C

672A D C

914A D C

C om m unication O ptions

14G 1 = R em ote I/O com m unication interface bo ard

14G 2 = R S 232/422/483 (using D F1 pro toc ol) and D H 485 com m unic ation interface board

14G 5 = D eviceN e t co m m unication interface board

H um an Interfac e M odule

14H A PC = D oor-m ounted H IM (program m er only)

14H N B C = D oo r-m ounted S C A N port connector (H IM c radle & internal connection cable only)







D oor-M ounted Pushbutton

1R = U nit R eset




88G F = G round-fault de tec tion

N = Pow er S tructure -- no enclosures, no options

O ptions
