Creating user accounts, Prerequisites – HP XP7 Storage User Manual
Page 59

“Disabling user accounts” (page 62)
“Deleting user accounts” (page 62)
Creating user accounts
This section explains how to create a user account and register the account to a user group with
appropriate permissions.
You must have the Security Administrator (View & Modify) role to perform this task.
You can log in to the SVP and the RAID Manager with user accounts that are created by
Remote Web Console. You must have Support Personnel role to log in to the SVP.
The system can support a maximum of 512 user accounts, including the built-in user accounts.
Table 10 User name and password for Remote Web Console
Characters that can be used
Length in
User name
Alphanumeric (ASCII code) characters
The following symbols:
# $ % & ' * + - . / = ? @ ^ _ ` { | } ~
You cannot use the # symbol when you enter a user name in a screen
from the Tool Panel dialog box.
Alphanumeric (ASCII code) characters
All symbols
You cannot use the quotation mark (“) or backslash (\) symbols when
you enter a password in a screen from the Tool Panel dialog box.
If you cannot log in on a Tool Panel dialog box screen, check to see if you have used a
number sign (#) in the user name, or used a quotation mark (“) or a backslash (\) in the password.
Table 11 User name and password for logging in to SVP
Characters that can be used
Length in
User name
Alphanumeric (ASCII code) characters
Following symbols:
! # $ % & ' - . @ ^ _ ` { } ~
6- 127
Alphanumeric (ASCII code) characters
All symbols
Managing user accounts