Edit alert settings window, Syslog tab – HP XP7 Storage User Manual
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Edit Alert Settings window
The window for the wizard contains three tabs:
Select the destination of the alert notification.
Notification Alert
Host Report: Reports alerts only to the host(s) for which SIM report setting is made.
All: Reports alerts to all hosts.
Alert destinations are common to Syslog, SNMP, and Email.
Syslog tab
The following table describes the fields and settings in the Syslog tab.
Select the protocol for Syslog transfer.
Transfer Protocol
New Syslog Protocol (TLS1.2/RFC5424)
Old Syslog Protocol (UDP/RFC3164)
Select whether or not to use the Syslog Server.
Primary Server
Enable: Reports SIM to the Syslog Server through Syslog.
Does not report SIM to the Syslog Server through Syslog.
Configuring storage systems GUI reference