HP XP7 Storage User Manual
Page 199
Specify a port number of the secondary LDAP server.
External User Group
Mapping - Secondary Port
If you select Disable in Secondary Server, Enable in DNS Lookup, or External User Group
Mapping fields, this item is disabled.
Specify a base DN to search for users to authenticate.
External User Group
Mapping - Base DN
Available characters: Alphanumeric characters (ASCII characters) and all symbols.
Hierarchical model
Specify a DN of hierarchy that includes all the targetedusers for searching.
Flat model
Specify a DN of hierarchy that is one level up of thetargeted user for searching.
You can enter alphanumeric characters and all symbols. Note, however, that when you
enter symbols like the following, you need to use a backslash to escape for each symbol:
+ ; , < = > \ / "
In some cases, you may need to use a backslash and an ASCII character to escape.
\ -> \5c (hexadecimal)
/ -> \2f (hexadecimal)
"-> \22 (hexadecimal)
Search for a user by specifying a DN
External User Group
Mapping - Search User's DN Available characters: Alphanumeric characters (ASCII characters) and all symbols.
If you specify sAMAccountName in External User Group Mapping - User Name Attribute,
or if you select Enable in External User Group Mapping, this item must be specified.
If you select Disable in External User Group Mapping, this item is disabled.
You can enter alphanumeric characters and all symbols. Note, however, that when you
enter symbols like the following, you need to use a backslash to escape for each symbol:
+ ; , < = > \ / "
In some cases, you may need to use a backslash and an ASCII character to escape.
\ -> \5c (hexadecimal)
/ -> \2f (hexadecimal)
"-> \22 (hexadecimal)
Search for a user by specifying his password. Specify the same password that is registered
in the LDAP server.
External User Group
Mapping - Password
You can specify ASCII code characters and the following symbols:
! # $ % & ' ( ) * + - . = @ \ ^ _ |
If you select Disable in External User Group Mapping, this item is disabled.
Re-enter the password of the user you are searching for to confirm your entry.
External User Group
Mapping - Re-enter
You can specify ASCII code characters and the following symbols:
! # $ % & ' ( ) * + - . = @ \ ^ _ |
If you enter any password in External User Group Mapping - Password, you must specify
this item.
If you select Disable in External User Group Mapping, this item is disabled.
Specify the number of seconds before connection to the LDAP server times out.
External User Group
Mapping - Timeout
If you select Disable in External User Group Mapping, this item is disabled.
Specify a retry interval in seconds when the connection to the LDAP server fails.
External User Group
Mapping - Retry Interval
If you select Disable in External User Group Mapping, this item is disabled.
Setup Server for Kerberos 199