Snmp tab – HP XP7 Storage User Manual

Page 216

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Alphanumeric characters (ASCII codes) and symbols (! # $ % & ' ( ) * + , - . / : ; < = > ? @ [
\ ] ^ _ ` { | } ~)

Spaces are not allowed.

Enter a value as the time before the timeout for connection to the Syslog Server is detected. The
default is 10.


Use this field only when you selected New Syslog Protocol (TLS1.2/RFC5424) in Transfer Protocol.

Enter a value between 1 and 60 (seconds) as the retry interval when communication with the
Syslog Server fails. The default is 1.Use this field only when you selected New Syslog Protocol
(TLS1.2/RFC5424) in Transfer Protocol.

Retry Interval

Enter a value between 1 and 50 as the number of retries when communication with the Syslog
Server fails. The default is 3.Use this field only when you selected New Syslog Protocol
(TLS1.2/RFC5424) in Transfer Protocol.

Number of Retries

Reports SIM for test with Syslog.

Test Send to Syslog Server

SNMP tab


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