HP XP7 Storage User Manual
Page 215
Enter the IP address of the server that you want to set as the Syslog Server. You cannot set an
address with all 0s.
Primary Server -
Server Setting
To set an IPv4 address, select IPv4, and enter four numbers within the range of 0 to 255.
Example: XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX (X indicates a numeral)
To set an IPv6 address, select IPv6, and enter eight hexadecimal alphanumeric characters
within the range of 0 to FFFF. You can also use an abbreviated-format IPv6 address.
Example: YYYY:YYYY:YYYY:YYYY:YYYY:YYYY:YYYY:YYYY (Y indicates a hexadecimal digit)
Use this field only when you select Enable in Primary Server.
Enter the port number used by the Syslog Server. Use this field only when you selected Enable
in Primary Server.
Primary Server - Port Number
Specify a certificate file. Click Browse and specify the certificate file. Use this field only when
you select New Syslog Protocol (TLS1.2/RFC5424) in Transfer Protocol and selected Enable in
Primary Server.
Primary Server - Client
Certificate File Name
Enter a password for the client certificate. You can use a password of up to 128 characters.
Usable characters are:
Primary Server - Password
Alphanumeric characters (ASCII codes) and symbols (! # $ % & ' ( ) * + , - . / : ; < = > ? @ [
\ ] ^ _ ` { | } ~)
Use this field only when you specified Client Certificate File Name.
Specify a certificate file. Click Browse and specify the certificate file.
Primary Server - Root Certificate
File Name
Use this field only when you select New Syslog Protocol (TLS1.2/RFC5424) in Transfer Protocol
and selected Enable in Primary Server.
Select whether or not to use an alternate server for the Syslog Server.
Secondary Server
Enable: Reports SIM to the alternate server for the Syslog Server through Syslog.
Disable: Does not report SIM to the alternate server for the Syslog Server through Syslog.
Enter the IP address of the server that you want to set as the Syslog Server. You cannot set an
address with all 0s.
Secondary Server - Server
To set an IPv4 address, select IPv4, and enter four numbers within the range of 0 to 255.
Example: XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX (X indicates a numeral)
To set an IPv6 address, select IPv6, and enter eight hexadecimal alphanumeric characters
within the range of 0 to FFFF. You can also use an abbreviated-format IPv6 address.
Example: YYYY:YYYY:YYYY:YYYY:YYYY:YYYY:YYYY:YYYY (Y indicates a hexadecimal
digit)Use this field only when you select Enable in Secondary Server.
Specify a certificate file. Click Browse and specify the certificate file. Use this field only when
you select New Syslog Protocol (TLS1.2/RFC5424) in Transfer Protocol and select Enable in
Secondary Server.
Secondary Server - Port Number
Specify a certificate file. Click Browse and specify the certificate file.Use this field only when
you select New Syslog Protocol (TLS1.2/RFC5424) in Transfer Protocol and selected Enable in
Secondary Server.
Secondary Server - Client
Certificate File Name
Enter a password for the client certificate. You can use a password of up to 128
characters.Usable characters are: Alphanumeric characters (ASCII codes) and symbols (! # $
% & ' ( ) * + , - . / : ; < = > ? @ [ \ ] ^ _ ` { | } ~)
Secondary Server - Password
Use this field only when you specify Client Certificate File Name.
Specify a certificate file. Click Browse and specify the certificate file.
Secondary Server - Root
Certificate File Name
Use this field only when you select New Syslog Protocol (TLS1.2/RFC5424) in Transfer Protocol
and selected Enable in Secondary Server.
Enter a name for identification of the storage system for which SIM is transferred to the Syslog
Server. You can use a name of up to 32 characters. Usable characters are:
Location Identification Name
Edit Alert Settings wizard