Multitaskinig, Wizards and task management, Multitaskinig wizards and task management – HP XP7 Storage User Manual
Page 11
Figure 1 Remote Web Console GUI features
The menu contains six main functions. These are described in
“Using Remote Web Console secondary
“Remote Web Console system reference GUI reference ” (page 230)
1. Main menu
The Explorer tree contains sets of menu items that you use to accomplish the setup, administrations, and
general tasks to set up and maintain the storage system.
2. Explorer tree
The Storage System menu contains links to the windows and dialog boxes that you can use to complete the
main system setup and maintenance functions.
3. Storage Systems
The menu contains links to ten main task windows that you use to complete the general tasks that set up and
maintain the storage system. These tasks and the procedures to complete them are described in detail in the
appendixes in this manual.
4. General Tasks
Operations you perform are executed in the background. This means you can start the next operation
without waiting for the previous one to complete.
Wizards and task management
Wizards are provided for each main task. The wizard guides you through all the subtasks that you
ordinarily perform one at a time. For example, the Create LDEVs wizard guides you through a
series of screens in which you create the LDEVs for the V-VOLs and add LUN paths by selecting
LDEVs, selecting host groups, and mapping LUNs.
Remote Web Console also provides a window checking on the tasks you have committed to the
system. The Task window provides detailed information about each task and shows the priority
and status of each task you are tracking.
GUI feature highlights