Confirm window (ldap setup server), Selected server – HP XP7 Storage User Manual
Page 190
If you select Disable in Secondary Server, this item is disabled.
Specify a user name for a server connection test.
Test User Name
You can specify ASCII code characters and the following symbols:
! # $ % & ' * + - . / = ? @ ^ _ ` { | } ~
Specify a password of the user name for a server connection test.
You can specify ASCII code characters and the following symbols:
! # $ % & ' ( ) * + , -. / : ; < = > ? @[ \ ] ^ _` { | } ~
Click Check to conduct a server connection test for the authentication server and the
authorization server based on the specified settings.
Server Configuration Test
Displays a result of the server connection test for the authentication server and the
authorization server.
Server Configuration Test - Result
Confirm window (LDAP Setup Server)
Selected Server
Displays the type of the authentication server.
External Authentication
Disable: Does not use any authentication server. Users are authenticated with user
information registered in the SVP.
LDAP: Users are authenticated with user information registered in the LDAP server.
RADIUS: Users are authenticated with user information registered in the RADIUS
Kerberos: Users are authenticated with user information registered in the Kerberos
190 Remote Web Console user management GUI reference